Activities of The International Staff Training Center
The International Staff Training Center, Private Institution for Further Professional Education, (ISTC) was created based on the decision of the sole founder, the International Dangerous Goods and Containers Association, Non-Commercial Partnership (IDGCA NP), dated February 03, 2003 and registered on March 18, 2003. The ISTC operates on the basis of the Charter (with amendments), registered by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 18, 2016.
- Supreme management body: founder (owner) of the Institution;
- Sole executive body: director of the Institution;
- Collegial bodies: general meeting of employees of the Institution, teachers’ council of the Institution and foundation board of the Institution.
The ISTC has no budgetary funding. Financial support for the institution's activities is provided by contractual activities in the field of providing educational and consulting services, as well as funds received from the Founder, IDGCA NP.
The ISTC carries out activities in the field of further professional education on the basis of state license series 78?02 ? 0000665, reg. ? 1734 dated February 20, 2016.
The ISTC management system is recognized by the International Classification Society DNV-GL as compliant with the International Standard ISO 9001:2015 in the field of providing further professional education services.
Further professional education includes:
- Professional development of specialists;
- Professional retraining of specialists;
Professional development at the ISTC is carried out in accordance with the training programs, the minimum volume of which is 16 academic hours. Based on existing training programs, depending on the needs of customers, exclusive programs can be formed that take into account the content of job descriptions of employees of enterprises or individual entrepreneurs. Upon completion of training, a written exam is held with an interview on additional issues. Students who successfully pass the exams receive certificates of professional development of the standard form. Upon personal applications, students are presented for certification at the International Dangerous Goods and Containers Association, after which they receive certificates of international standard. The official website of the IDGCA NP maintains registers of certified specialists (by certification areas).
Professional retraining is carried out with the aim of acquiring additional knowledge and mastering skills by specialists necessary for performing a new type of professional activity. Professional retraining is also carried out to expand the qualifications of specialists for their adaptation to new economic and social conditions and performing new professional activities. implements not only the professional retraining programs developed in the institution, but also programs created at the request of customers. Based on the results of professional retraining, graduates receive diplomas of professional retraining.
Most of the ISTC educational programs are based on generally accepted international conventions, codes, standards, rules and guidelines, as well as provisions of national legislation in force in the country where the graduate of the Center works or planning to work. To create educational programs, both model courses of international institutions (UN, IMO, ISO, ICAO, OTIF, and OSJD) and updated international documents are used. Methodological assistance in creating the educational programs of the ISTC is provided by experts of the IDGCA NP.
In accordance with Article 17 of the Federal Law ? 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation", training at the ISTC is conducted in the following forms:
Full-time:when the student is personally present at classes in the classroom.
Distance: when the student studies the educational material using telecommunications technologies, listening to lectures online.
Mixed:a combination of full-time and distance learning, when some students are present in the classroom, and some study remotely.
The forms of training and the rate of mastering the professional development programs are determined by the program itself and (or) by the training agreement with the organization or individual.
The ISTC gives preference to full-time training, when students are given the opportunity to completely break away from production activities, get acquainted with interesting materials and communicate with teachers. For full-time training, the ISTC has a classroom designed for 50 students and equipped with modern equipment that allows demonstrating presentations, video materials, listening to lectures by teachers conducting classes remotely, studying the content of documents presented on the websites of the UN, IMO, ISO and other international and domestic organizations.
For a good rest for students during breaks between classes, a comfortable recreation area is equipped.
Classes, as well as exams, are conducted in both Russian and English.
The teaching staff of the ISTC is the full-time employees of the center and specialists attracted on a contractual basis, including the teaching staff of universities, representatives of classification societies, experts in various fields, practicing lawyers and professionals from insurance companies. Full-time teachers of the ISTC work as experts of specialized committees of the UN, ISO, and IMO and inform the students on the latest decisions made in them. Such a teaching staff provides an opportunity for Russian and foreign companies to conduct theoretical training of their specialists and impart to them the practical skills necessary to solve specific production problems.
The high level of qualification of the teachers and the teaching methods allow students to master the necessary material in a short time, successfully pass exams, and receive educational documents and international certificates of IDGCA NP, recognized in Russia and abroad. The presence in companies of specialists who have been trained at the ISTC and certified by the IDGCA NP helps these companies achieve global goals in sustainable business development.
The organization of the educational process at the ISTC is constantly adjusted taking into account the feedback from graduates on the content, methodology and quality of classes.

In addition to educational activities, the ISTC provides enterprises and organizations with other services:
- Methodological support for obtaining a license for the right to carry out activities for the transportation of dangerous goods by inland waterway transport, sea transport;
- Methodological support for obtaining a license for the right to carry out loading and unloading activities in relation to dangerous goods in inland water transport and in seaports;
- Development of flow charts for loading and unloading processes (necessary to obtain a license for the right to carry out loading and unloading activities in relation to dangerous goods);
- Development of action plans for localization and elimination of the consequences of accidents at hazardous industrial facilities (necessary to obtain a license for the right to carry out loading and unloading activities in relation to dangerous goods);
- Development of safety data sheets for chemical products;
- Other services provided on the basis of standalone special contracts;
The ISTC is located in a modern building of the Business Center ("Zholtiy Ugol") at the address: St. Petersburg, ulitsa Marshala Govorova, 35A, offices 120 and 436. The building is located near the metro stations "Narvskaya" and "Kirovsky Zavod".