Transport Security Specialists. Maritime Transport and Terminals

The target audience for training in this area is employees of transport infrastructure facilities, as well as employees of departments that carry out activities directly related to ensuring the transport security of facilities.
During the training, students study the provisions of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation № 35-FZ dated March 6, 2006 "On Counteracting Terrorism", the Federal Law of the Russian Federation №16-FZ dated February 9, 2007 "On Transport Security", as well as decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and relevant by-laws in the field of transport security.
When conducting training, the content of the Model programs for professional development, agreed upon by the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, is taken into account:
- Implementation of measures of the Comprehensive Plan for Counteracting the Ideology of Terrorism in the Russian Federation;
- Terrorism prevention issues;
- Activities of state and municipal authorities to counter terrorism.
An important section of the training related to countering terrorism is the training of specialists in the field of ship and port facility security. Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, at the 22nd session of the IMO Assembly in November 2001, it was decided to develop new measures regarding the security of ships and port facilities for their adoption in December 2002 at the Conference of Contracting Governments to the SOLAS-74 Convention. From 9 to 13 December 2002, this Conference adopted by its Resolution 1 a new Chapter XI-2 "Special Measures to Enhance Maritime Security" of the SOLAS-74 Convention, and by Resolution 2 – the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). On 1 July 2004, Chapter XI-2 of the SOLAS-74 Convention and the ISPS Code entered into force, and from that moment on, training of port facility and company security officers, as well as command personnel responsible for ship security, became mandatory. In accordance with these requirements, the following training programs have been developed and implemented at the ISTC: "Company Security Officer", "Port Facility Security Officer", and “Ship Security Officer”.
Depending on the needs of enterprises, at their request, appropriate exclusive programs of 16 to 80 (or more) academic hours are developed based on existing professional development programs.
Upon completion of training, graduates who have successfully passed the final exam receive professional development certificates indicating the title and scope of the program. Graduates with sufficient experience in the field of transport security may, upon their personal application, be submitted for certification to the International Dangerous Goods and Containers Association, after which they receive international certificates.