Road transport

Within the direction of training "Road transport", specialists from among the managerial, engineering and rank-and-file personnel of enterprises engaged in the transportation of dangerous goods and containers by road transport are trained.
The following training programs are being implemented within the framework of this direction:
- transportation of dangerous goods by road (40 academic hours for managerial and engineering staff, 24 academic hours for rank-and-file employees);
- adviser on the safe of transportation of dangerous goods (78 academic hours);
- basic training course for drivers carrying dangerous goods for those who do not have a valid ADR certificate (28 academic hours);
- basic training course for drivers carrying dangerous goods for those who have a valid ADR certificate (15 academic hours);
- a specialized training course for drivers carrying dangerous goods in tanks for those who do not have a valid ADR certificate (15 academic hours);
- a specialized training course for drivers carrying dangerous goods in tanks for those who have a valid ADR certificate (8 academic hours);
- a specialized training course for drivers carrying class 1 dangerous goods for those who do not have a valid ADR certificate (12 academic hours);
- a specialized training course for drivers carrying class 1 dangerous goods for those who have a valid ADR certificate (6 academic hours);
- specialized training course for drivers carrying class 7 dangerous goods for those who do not have a valid ADR certificate (12 academic hours);
- a specialized training course for drivers carrying class 7 dangerous goods for those who have a valid ADR certificate (6 academic hours).
Drivers must be trained at least once every 5 years.
In the courses, students study various international regulations, in particular, the UN Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, the Globally Harmonized System for the Classification of Hazards and Labeling of Chemicals, the Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and other international regulations and standards. In addition, the Russian regulatory and legal framework applied in the field of transportation of dangerous goods by road transport is studied. All graduates of the courses receive certificates of advanced training of the established form.
Candidates for training under the program "Transportation of dangerous goods by road transport" must have higher or secondary specialized education, or at the time of training they must be trained in programs of higher or secondary specialized education. Graduates from among the management and engineering staff, who have studied under this program and have sufficient experience in working with dangerous goods, may, on to their personal applications, be nominated for certification by the International Dangerous Goods and Containers Association as advisers on the safe transport of dangerous goods. The validity period of the adviser's certificate is 5 years.
Candidates for training under the program "Adviser on the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods" must have higher education in the direction of training, which is part of the enlarged group of professional training 23.00.00 "Equipment and technologies of road transport", or secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-ranking specialists, included in the enlarged group of specialties 23.00.00 " Equipment and technologies of road transport" and work experience in the field of organization of transportation and management of road transport for at least three years. Specialists who have been trained at the ISTC are nominated for certification in the regional structures of the Gosavtodornadzor of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport.