Specialists for the oil and gas industry. Marine oil-and-gas structures and submarine pipelines

The courses are intended for managers, engineers, as well as rank-and-file employees of organizations and enterprises in the oil and gas industry and companies engaged in hydrocarbon production on the continental shelf.
The following training programs are basic for this direction:
- Fundamentals of production and processing of hydrocarbons (40 academic hours for management and engineering staff, 24 academic hours for rank-and-file employees);
- Development of offshore oil and gas fields (40 academic hours for management and engineering staff, 24 academic hours for rank-and-file employees);
- Operation of subsea wellhead equipment and submarine pipelines (40 academic hours for management and engineering staff, 24 academic hours for rank-and-file employees).
In addition to the implementation of these training programs, on their basis, at the request of enterprises, the ISTC develops and implements exclusive training programs for specialists in survey, design, control-and-supervision and other structures.
At the courses, students study various international and national legal documents, in particular, the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 74), the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78), the International Convention on the Continental Shelf, the Federal Law dated July 31, 1998 № 155-ФЗ "On internal sea waters, the territorial sea and the adjacent zone of the Russian Federation", the Federal Law dated November 30, 1995 № 187-ФЗ "On the continental shelf of the Russian Federation", as well as norms and standards for design, construction, welding operations, non-destructive testing methods used in the construction and operation of offshore oil and gas facilities and other oil and gas industry facilities.
Candidates for training must have a higher or secondary specialized education, or at the time of training they must be trained in programs of higher or secondary specialized education. Upon completion of training, course graduates who have successfully passed the exam receive certificates of advanced training of the established form. Graduates from among the management and engineering staff who have successfully mastered the Offshore Oil and Gas Fields Development program and have sufficient work experience may, on their personal applications, be nominated for certification by the International Dangerous Goods and Containers Association as advisers on the development of offshore oil and gas facilities. The validity period of the adviser's certificate is 5 years.