Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser

A Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser is an official of an enterprise responsible for operations with dangerous goods at a given enterprise, in particular, for eliminating and/or minimizing the risks of harm to the health of employees, causing material damage and damage to the environment, caused by the specifics of dangerous goods. The presence of an adviser in a company whose activities are related to dangerous goods is a mandatory requirement of the international regulations for the transportation of dangerous goods RID/ADR/ADN.
According to global and national statistics, the transportation of dangerous goods accounts for more than 20% of the total volume of cargo transportation carried out by various modes of transport. Due to the fact that dangerous goods at all stages of their life cycle create significant risks to the health of personnel of enterprises and the residential population, the natural environment, as well as risks of causing material damage to both the transport infrastructure and objects located in potential zones of action of damaging factors of dangerous goods, all employees of enterprises engaged in the transportation, processing and storage of dangerous goods are required to undergo special training, the scope and content of which depend on specific job responsibilities.
The coordinating role in ensuring the safety of the transportation of dangerous goods and all types of work with them belongs to the Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser.This official of the company must have experience in handling dangerous goods, as well as undergo specialized training and certification.
The main responsibilities of the adviser include monitoring compliance with requirements governing the handling of dangerous goods, checking equipment used in work with dangerous goods, ensuring proper training of enterprise personnel in the field of handling dangerous goods, applying emergency procedures in the event of incidents with dangerous goods, developing and updating a safety plan (for cases of handling high-consequence dangerous goods), etc.
The training of advisers at the ISTC has been carried out since 2003. The basic training program for training advisers, which is constantly being improved in accordance with the latest editions of the international regulations for the transport of dangerous goods by various modes of transport, reissued every 2 years, is based on such documents as the UN Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals, the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), the Regulations under the Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), the Regulations under the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Inland Waterway (ADN), the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, Annex 2 "Transport of Dangerous Goods" to the Agreement on International Goods Transport by Rail, the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID), the International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972 (CSC), the IMO Recommendations on the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods in Port Areas and Related Activities, etc. International ISO standards applicable in this area are also studied. A trained and certified adviser has sufficient knowledge and practical skills to work on any type of transport carrying dangerous goods and at any enterprise related to the production, storage and disposal of dangerous goods.
In addition, such a specialist is indispensable in planning and implementing multimodal transportation of dangerous goods. Advisers of enterprises that are operators of work with high-consequence goods – dangerous goods that can be used for terrorist purposes – have an essential role.
The training sessions are conducted by experienced teachers and experts with extensive personal experience with dangerous goods, as well as experience in developing international rules for the transportation of dangerous goods and international standards for transport equipment intended for their transportation.
The training programs can be adjusted and agreed with customers before the start of the classes, depending on the characteristics of specific enterprises.
Based on the results of certification at the International Dangerous Goods and Containers Association (IDGCA), graduates receive certificates of professional development and international Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser certificates valid for 5 years. Certificates issued by IDGCA are patented.