Specialists in design, manufacturing and operation of high-capacity containers

The courses are intended for the management, engineering and technical personnel of enterprises involved in the design, manufacture, and operation of high-capacity containers, including specialized and offshore handled containers. These courses are recommended for design and manufacturing companies, stevedoring companies, carriers, companies involved in the extraction of hydrocarbons on the sea shelf, forwarding and transport-and-logistics companies.
Within the framework of this direction, the following basic training programs are being implemented:
- Design and manufacture of high-capacity containers for general cargo (40 academic hours);
- Design and manufacture of tank containers (40 academic hours);
- Operation of the container park (40 academic hours for managerial and engineering staff, 24 academic hours for rank-and-file employees);
- Operation of containers transshipped on the high seas (24 academic hours).
Students study the International Convention on Safe Containers (CSC), the Customs Convention on Containers (CCC), the IMO/ILO/UNECE Code of Practice for Packing of Cargo Transport Units (CTU Code), ISO International Container Standards, international standards for containers transshipped on the high seas, the IMO Recommendations on entry into enclosed spaces, rules and regulations for operation of pressure vessels, the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Gangerous goods, as well as other international and national codes, standards and regulations regarding containers.
Candidates for training must have a higher or secondary specialized education, or at the time of training they must be trained in a program of higher or secondary specialized education. Upon completion of training, course graduates who have successfully passed the exam receive certificates of advanced training of the established form. Graduates from among the management and engineering staff with sufficient experience in the design, manufacture and operation of containers may, on their personal applications, be nominated for certification by the International Dangerous Goods and Containers Association as experts in the field of containerization. The expert certificate is valid for 5 years.