Loading and unloading operations related to dangerous goods carried by rail
Persons carrying out loading and unloading operations related to dangerous goods carried by rail must have the knowledge and practical skills that are formulated in Chapter 1.3 of Annex 2 (Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods) to the Agreement on International Goods Transport by Rail.
Their functions include the following:
- planning of cargo operations with dangerous goods;
- checking the correct classification of dangerous goods handled, their proper shipping names and assignment of packing groups;
- checking the serviceability of rolling stock, including container platforms and tank cars, and its readiness to transport dangerous goods;
- selecting means of containment for specific dangerous goods;
- checking the correctness of the application of markings, danger signs, large danger signs and orange plates on packages, cargo transport units and vehicles;
- control of stowage of dangerous goods in cargo transport units and their fastening;
- • control of the correctness of actions when opening cargo transport units, including fumigated ones, containing refrigerants of asphyxiating action, and flexi-tanks;
- loading of dangerous goods on railway vehicles and their fastening in cars and containers;
- unloading of dangerous goods from railway vehicles;
- preparation and/or verification of transport documents for dangerous goods and written instructions;
- checking the availability of standard personal protective equipment at workplaces and its operability;
- checking the availability and serviceability of fixed and portable fire extinguishing equipment;
- checking the availability and operability of gas analyzers for monitoring of composition of atmosphere of the working area;
- preventing incidents with dangerous goods and eliminating their consequences.
The scope of the training program "Person responsible for safe transportation of dangerous goods and loading and unloading activities in relation to them on railway transport" is 40 academic hours.
Based on the results of certification at the International Dangerous Goods and Containers Association, graduates receive certificates of professional development and certificates of Specialist In the Field Of Loading And Unloading Activities In Relation To Dangerous Goods On Rail Transport.