Loading and unloading operations with respect to dangerous goods in seaports and inland water transport (rank-and-file employees)
Rank-and-file employees directly performing cargo operations with respect to dangerous goods in seaports and inland water transport must have the knowledge and practical skills that are formulated in Chapter 1.3 of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), in Chapter 1.3 of the Regulations under the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN), as well as in other international and national regulations governing the handling of dangerous goods.
Rank-and-file employees performing cargo operations with respect to dangerous goods in seaports and inland water transport must know:
- Main provisions of regulatory documents in the field of safe transportation of dangerous goods by sea, inland water and related modes of transport;
- Description of the classes of dangerous goods and their main characteristics;
- General types of hazards presented by hazardous substances of various classes;
- Requirements for packing and packaging, marking, stowage, separation and compatibility of dangerous goods, limited and excepted quantities;
- Requirements for equipment used in loading and unloading operations with respect to dangerous goods in seaports and inland waterway transport;
- Procedures for preparing dangerous goods for transportation;
- Forms and content of transport documentation for dangerous goods;
- Safety regulations when working with dangerous goods;
- Methods and procedures for preventing emergency situations when working with dangerous goods;
- Prescriptions of documents defining the actions of personnel in emergency situations;
- Basic provisions of regulatory documents in the field of security of transportation of dangerous goods and containers;
- Basic first aid in accidents related to the transportation and handling of dangerous goods.
These persons must be able to:
- Determine the proper shipping names and characteristics of hazardous substances and items;
- Carry out practical preparation for transportation, loading and unloading of dangerous goods;
- Apply developed and approved methods for preventing harmful effects of hazardous substances on personnel and the environment;
- Apply emergency procedures developed for cases of unintentional spillage or scattering of a hazardous substance;
- Use available information on actions in emergency situations;
- Provide first aid to victims of incidents with dangerous goods;
- Use personal protective equipment from the harmful effects of hazardous substances.
The curriculum is 24 academic hours.
To take this course, please contact the International Staff Training Center (ISTC), which has a state license for educational activities. A mandatory condition for enrollment in training in accordance with the schedule of the ISTC educational process is that the candidate for enrollment has higher or secondary specialized education.