IMDG Code Expert (shore personnel and crew members of sea vessels)
An IMDG Code Expert is an official of a company whose activities include the carriage of dangerous goods on seagoing vessels and/or associated onshore packaging, loading, filling or unloading operations. The IMDG Code Expert is appointed by the company’s internal executive directive and is responsible for ensuring the safety of the maritime transport of dangerous goods, as well as onshore and ship operations with dangerous goods. Any person from among the onshore personnel of companies, as well as the command staff of ships, can be appointed as an IMDG Code Expert.
The IMDG Code Expert provides consulting support to the company’s management on all issues related to the transportation and handling of dangerous goods, including identification of dangerous goods presented for transportation; selection of containers, pressure vessels (cylinders), intermediate bulk containers, large containers, bulk containers and portable tanks for dangerous goods transported by sea; preparation and presentation of dangerous goods for transportation; preparation of plans for loading and placement of dangerous goods; loading of dangerous goods onto sea vessels of various types and their unloading; loading/unloading cargo transport units, including heavy-duty containers; marking, application of danger signs and large danger signs defined for specific dangerous goods; preparation and/or examination of transport documents for dangerous goods; transshipment of dangerous goods from one transport facility to another, one of which is a sea vessel, during multimodal transportation; checking the availability and serviceability of standard personal protective equipment at workplaces against the harmful effects of dangerous goods; checking the availability and serviceability of stationary and portable fire extinguishing equipment at terminals and sea vessels; checking the availability and operability of gas analyzers for monitoring the composition of the atmosphere of the working area at terminals and sea vessels; preventing incidents with dangerous goods and eliminating their consequences; inspections and certification of equipment and containers used in the maritime transportation of dangerous goods.
The maritime transport of dangerous goods is regulated by a number of international instruments, among which the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) occupies a central place. The IMDG Code, developed and maintained by the International Maritime Organization, is binding on all Contracting Parties to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 74). Currently there are 175 countries. The IMDG Code includes all the provisions published in the UN Model Regulations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods, as well as, in addition to them, provisions reflecting the specifics of the carriage of dangerous goods on sea-going ships.
Training of an IMDG Code Expert category is carried out on the basis of the requirements of section 1.3 “Training of shore personnel” of this Code, as well as taking into account the requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea SOLAS 74, International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships MARPOL 73/78 and the Revised Recommendations On the Safe Transport of Dangerous Cargoes and Related Activities In Port Areas. In addition, the training program takes into account the requirements of section B-V/c of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW Code).
To take this course, you must contact the International Staff Training Center (ISTC), which has a state license for educational activities. A prerequisite for enrollment in training under this program of the ISTC is that the candidate for enrollment has a higher or secondary specialized education.
Based on the results of training and passing final exams at the ISTC, graduates are submitted for certification by the International Dangerous Goods and Containers Association, after which they receive international “IMDG Code Expert” certificates.